Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Obama Keeps Focus on Jobs, Warns No Silver Bullet

Is the economy under control??? What solutions would you propose to get people back to work?


  1. The economy is clearly not under control, seeing as how unemployment and debt are still sky-high, and no one is entirely sure what the best and fastest ways to solve those problems are.

    Americans need jobs, and the government needs money, so someone needs to start up a lucrative business that needs manual labor. Garrett's favorite idea of green technology could work if someone came up with a way to make it work well.
    I think in general the sciences need some funding so we can invent a good/service people want & that we can sell.

    But that idea that Germany used, to offer tax incentives to employers for employing more workers, that seemed like a good idea. People were being fired before because the company was trying to break even by eliminating some costs, but if they get money for employing more, the people who were fired could get their jobs back, and unemployment falls.

  2. I don't believe the economy is under control, but I am hoping that this is as rock-bottom as we'll go (though lately that seems like wishful thinking to me).

    As far as stimulating the economy goes, unemployment needs to be tackled, ASAP. It would seem to me that though it's more expensive for a company to get all of it's product's inputs from America, that would certainly battle unemployment. I think incentives need to be created that would thin the practice of outsourcing.

  3. I think that our economy is way out of control. We need to find jobs for people and ways to lower the debt of this country. I think that the plan our state senator has is a pretty good one. He said that he wants to build a bullet train which would offer hundreds of jobs. It will cost a lot to build but it may cause for people to have more money because they can travel farther cheaper. I think that we need to use our technology wisely and create things that people need, to save. Whether it being as Christina said green technology or just new products that have new features, any way to have money start flowing is better. We also need to stop buying labor and other resources from other countries. We need to use what we have, which is enough labor, and find ways of allocating it efficiently.

  4. The economy is clearly not under control. As I see it, the labor market IS part of our economy, and an essential one at that. Media bias and spin may lead average Americans to believe that we are recovering, but such claims are based on superficial contexts. I can't think of many solutions, but I do have one in mind. Why not start public-works projects. Lewis Black once suggested in a joke, "If we create a public works project in which we hire a million people to build a wall between us and Canada, and pay said 'workers' to do so, the workers would go out and spend this money and that stimulates the ******* economy." Now although Black denies any degree of economic genius, I think this proposed idea worked into a comedic bit could actual be realistically feasible and have socially favorable results.

  5. No, the economy is obviously not under control. The issue of unemployment needs to be taken care in order to even begin to get us back on the right track. As Erika said, outsourcing should probably be minimized. It is not a good idea if we're trying to fix unemployment. Green technological advancemenets could help stimulate jobs as would any other new practices or advancements. Injecting money into the economy to stimulate public works projects could help as well as it has been done in the past.

  6. in concurrence with ever other blogger, the economy is not under control. The entire time i was reading the article, I kept thinking about, as Ian stated, Sen. Lemieux's bullet train idea. It would create so many jobs and be such an efficient form of transportation.

  7. From my perspective - everything is fine. It is hard to see the other side of the situation when you go to the malls and they are packed, when you go to restraunts and you have to wait for a seat, when stores are full of people. I understand that there are people with out work, it is just hard to "see" when you haven't experienced it first hand. All of my family is still working, I still have a job and a truck and gas to get around, etc. I know we are extremely fortunate and from my point of view - everything looks normal.

  8. The economy is not under control at all. Ryan says he doesn't "see" how people have been affected. Yeah there's people at the mall now because it's holiday season, but it's not about the amount of people at the mall, it's about the amount of money those people spend. People have cut down on how much they spend on gifts. Everyone seems to always want coupons.

  9. well to be honest i am tired of hearing how this "President" is going to make things all better. according to him the stimulus bill was supposed to keep unemployment below 8%. now its way over 10%. he needs to stop making these grandiose speeches about how he is working on a solution and just suck it up and fix the freaking problem.
