Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Racist Housing Policies That Helped Fuel Anger in Ferguson

http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/08/14/3471237/ferguson-housing-segregation/ DUE 1 DECEMBER 2014. What is segregation? What does the term REDLINING mean and how did this affect black families in Missouri? According to this article, how is this racial segregation is affecting the economics of this community? What is YOUR solution to this problem?


  1. Segregation is the separation of housing, public areas, and other facilities based on race; in Ferguson's case it is the division of housing between blacks and whites.
    Redlining is the practice of a company refusing to sell their good or service to a group of people because they are poor or a large minority group. In Ferguson beginning in 1916, blacks could only buy houses in "Negro Blocks" while this was later ruled against by the Supreme Court in 1923 "unrestricted blocks" were created, realtors could sell homes in theses areas to blacks but to sell homes to them outside this area was seen as a "professional misconduct".
    Home owners loan corporations then rated the values of these neighborhoods, basing their safety off of race, giving the black neighborhoods low safety ratings and lower their value making these neighborhoods miss out on low interest rates and down payments.
    My solution to this problem is that the government should provide incentives for big companies to bring their business to these cities so that way more jobs become available and over time the people will get better pay and income, over time the businesses will boos the value of the cities and neighborhoods, and more people will begin to come to these neighborhoods to live.

  2. Segregation is the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment; and in Ferguson currently the situation is the segregation between the housing of whites and blacks.

    Redlining is the refusal (a loan or insurance) to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk; and it has affected the black community because they were restricted to buy specific houses known as the "Negro blocks". Although the Supreme Court resulted with the areas to be free to sell with all races, selling homes outside the area resulted in the term "professional misconduct". Home owners are now loaning corporations that rate the values for the neighborhoods with both low safety and low interest rates which in turn make the community lack down payments.

    My solution to this problem would be that there should be some form of government intervention. Larger companies will lead to larger amount of jobs being available and then the neighborhoods will have a larger value for those who live there.

  3. Segregation is the act of setting a group of people apart from another group of people because of race or ethnicity. The segregation in this article is separating blacks and whites in different neighborhoods. Redlining is to refuse to provide someone with loans or insurance because of where they live. It comes from the idea that banks outline low income neighborhoods and classify them as "no-loan" areas. In 1916, in Ferguson, Missouri, blacks were only allowed to buy houses in "Negro blocks." This caused separation between black families and whites. This would also create tension between the two races. Racial segregation is also affecting the economies of this community by lowering the housing value of the houses in the black zones. The average black household has a value of $75,040, while the average white one has a value of $217,150. My solution is to have the government intervene and give subsides or tax breaks to companies that move in to these areas. This will help improve the economy.

  4. Segregation is typically the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart; usually relating to that of races and ethnicities.
    Redlining is the practice of a company refusing to sell their good or service to a group of people. In Ferguson beginning in 1916, blacks could only buy houses in "Negro Blocks". This caused separation between black families and whites; Creating racial barriers. Racial segregation is also affecting the economies of this community by lowering the housing value of the houses in the black zones. The rate of the values for the neighborhoods with both low safety and low interest rates which in turn make the community lack down payments.
    My solution to this problem is that the government should impose something upon the companies to bring their business to these cities so that way more jobs become available and over time the people will get better pay and income. There has to be improvements within the community in order for progress among all other things.

  5. Segregation is the separating of others from the main group, often with force and was how blacks were treated for a long period of time. They did not have the privileges of whites and we're not given certain rights. Redlining is the act of marking black neighborhoods with Ds, which is the lowest grade, and red coloring. This affected black families in Missouri because they missed out on lower interest rates and down payments required for mortgages.
    The economic makeup of communities is racial segregation because blacks are shut out o buying homes, a huge source of wealth and discriminatory practices depressed the values those who did manage to buy houses, it’s no surprise that there continues to be a huge racial wealth gap. The average worth of a black household is $75,040 while a white households worth is $217,150. The government should create more jobs in these areas to help those who are poor so they can be working as well.

  6. The term redlining comes from the practice of sectioning off degraded communal blocks and coloring them with the color red hence the term "redlining". This practice is inherently racist in general but in a more economical view point, it results in a lower property values, high interests rates, and is usually confined to "blacks" only. In regards to the economy, this segregation has caused for different treatment, amongst the races. For example, blacks are unable to purchase homes, a wide wealth gap is present, and those who could even purcahse a home can see a depressed value.

    The solution to this problem is complex. These policies and restrictions have been in place for many years so the barriers are there. The only solution is to ratify new laws that dissassemble the already in place policies to level the playing field. This source is still pretty biased because it only focuses on the problems with the "black" race. So there must be change on both sides especially the whites for all this distortion of property values, redlining, and security ratings. For the most part when these practice where first implemented they were in a different time and since we have long since been in this oprressive state we need to move forward. Improve the distribution of wealth, destroy racist policies, and resturcture the housing market within Ferguson, Missouri. The only way is change, the current state is corrupt and inherently racist against a majority which is mainly black.

    1. Why do you keep putting the word black in quotation marks. That's racist.
      Also your calls to redistribute wealth terrify me and I hope your joking. The redistribution of wealth under any circumstance does not work. It's anti-capitalist and it erodes the natural incentives that people have to work hard and be wealthy. Your policies with destroy the economy. Just ask citizens and policy makers living in the USSR just how great the redistribution of wealth is going in their state. Oh wait.

    2. How is putting black in quotation marks racist? You're the racist one first the ones who decided that blacks would be called blacks were the racist slave owners, they didn't ask the slaves if they wanted to be called black, they said you're black. The fact that James puts black in quotation marks means he understands that blacks is not who they are but rather just a title that was given to them by slave owners. On terms of the redistribution everything is anti-capitalist because we pay taxes which pays for other things so roads, public education, and health care is all anti-capitalist. Capitalism isn't the best that's why countries with no government help or regulations are crime ridden and full of terrorist, what you advocate for isn't capitalism but rather every man for himself which goes against society and brings us back to the Stone Age.

    3. You obviously know nothing about my viewpoints, or more importantly, the nature of governments. You are being brainwashed by liberal propaganda and you don't even know it. My heart goes out to you and everyone that shares your viewpoints.
      First of all, most people in the modern age call black people, black. The term is not at all racially charged. There's a reason why even this article uses the adjective black freely, without quotation marks. James is the only person I know to put the adjective, black, in quotation marks. The reason is that James himself is racist.
      Second of all, if you're confused on the role that government has on wealth redistribution, look to Thomas Jefferson, one of our greatest founding fathers. Jefferson wrote, "A wise and frugal government... shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." Pay close attention to the part where our founding father says, "... shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned". What makes America great is our freedom to work hard and enjoy the fruits of our labor. That is the nature of capitalism and that is the nature of liberty. Now, the government does have a legitimate, small role in our lives. They are allowed to build roads and acquire an army and tax it's citizens a reasonable amount. This is not anti capitalistic because everyone benefits from these practices and the taxes to implement these things aren't especially large. By virtue of the relatively small tax burdens that these things require, they do not constitute as a redistribution of wealth.

    4. You obviously lack critical thinking you can't see pass your anti-society viewpoints and you only understand what has been laid before you. My argument is that yes people use the word black freely in modern age only because the slave owners called them black, so the reason why we call people black is because a slave owner said he was black. James understands that they are not black they didn't chose to be black this was title that was given nobody of the slave community said I want to be called black. So he understands that it isn't who they are but rather a title given to them. I don't care what we say in modern age if you can't see past everyone says it or nobody use it then I feel sorry for you you are just like cattle never think for himself just walking in the line. Thomas Jefferson himself was worried about the masses of the population he opposed the bank of the United States because he thought it favored the rich meaning that he himself attempted to take bread of the mouth of the rich to help the masses. Also I hope you understand that Jefferson was wrong about a lot of things he only wanted to follow the constitution letter to letter he opposed the bank of the U.S just because it wasn't written in the constitution, he can't be cross supplied to modern age were there are so many things that he couldn't understand because they aren't written in the constitution. You're the type of person who let all the poor people die and call it peace, you would let all those in born into bad situation stay there and call it economical prosperity, the government must help those who can't help themselves it's their job. I hope you know that you want to get rid of the common good and establish the good of one which like I said is what the cavemen did, I hoped that we had evolved past just helping ourselves.

    5. Your argument is hog wash. You concede that calling black people black is not racially charged today. This concession alone should end the debate. But even if you insist on carrying on with it, I'll expose your faulty logic. You claim that calling black people black should be used in quotation marks because slave owners used it. The problem is that calling black people black would have arose either way whether slave owners used the phrase or not. The reason is because black people have black skin. This would logically entail someone using the adjective black to describe them. This is the same reason why we call people white. It is only simply an adjective, don't inflate it's meaning. It doesn't matter who came up with the term because someone would sooner or later relate the color to an adjective about a certain type of people.
      Next, you are simply lying. Jefferson didn't oppose a national bank because he thought it would favor the rich. He did it because the constitution does not charter a national bank. He felt that imposing a national bank would lead to too much power in the hands of the government, and thus tyranny would appear. You are seeing this today, as the federal reserve is promoting inflation and devaluing America's savings.
      And I have no bias against poor people. I do not want them to die like you suggest. I am just not in favor of punishing those that work hard in order to help those that are lazy.

    6. You're a fool my whole argument was explaining why in modern times using the word black is racist. Whether or not it would have developed as a adjective or not is irreverent because it didn't develop that why if the blacks would have agreed and been like yeah this adjective describes me then maybe your argument would hold weight. Your argument is like saying if history would have went a different direction then it wouldn't have been racist of course that's true that's true with everything but since it developed one this why it's a title that was given by slave owners which James correctly saw as a title. Also on terms of Thomas Jefferson that exactly what I was saying Jefferson isn't a good source for modern debate because he couldn't charter anything that wasn't in the constitution even if it benefitted the nation, once again you show your lack of critical thinking.

  7. Continuation: The give you a few numbers for example is that the average worth of a black household is $75,040 while a white households worth is $217,150, the price discrimination is prevelant and continues to this very day

  8. Segregation is the practice of keeping distinct people separate from each other. I think that the segregation being referred to in this article is the separation of housing between black people and white people in American neighborhoods. According to this article, red lining is the practice by the Federal Housing Administration to mark predominantly black neighborhoods with red coloring. They did this in order to note and then deny private mortgages to people living in these neighborhoods. The implications of this was the absence of low interest rates and down payments for potential black home buyers. As a result, black people missed out on buying a home and when the housing market rose, black people missed out on this ride.
    Segregation affected the economics in this community because since the FHA denied blacks the opportunity to make money in the housing market, white people became wealthier while black people did not. For example, the article cites the wealth gap between black and white households was $84,960.
    Personally, I think the only solution to this problem is to educate the black population living in these urban areas. As education levels rise, the incomes for these black people will rise also. The increase in income will also eventually lead to a higher tax revenue for the community which would lead to cleaner and safer streets.
    I think the problems outlined in this article are serious and it's a shame that it was harder for these black people to get ahead due to FHA segregation. However, I fail to see the connection between segregation and the Michael Brown shooting. I'm confused as to why everyone is upset about the verdict over the police officer that shot Michael Brown. The case went through the criminal justice system and the jury made their decision. This is how due process works. It's astounding to me that so many people are protesting and rioting without actually seeing the altercation. People are quick to assume that this is a race case even though they lack concrete evidence about what happened. It's laughable to me that people assumed that the grand jury would give a verdict supporting the protesters rather than a verdict reliant on evidence or the lack thereof.

    1. The problem isnt educating the "blacks", education is standard throughout the county, what your proposing is that all "blacks" are inherently stupid. This is racist,and two is fit the same solution as mine when I talk about the redestribution of wealth as a means of a solution. If we do "educate the blacks" then of course their will be an increase in wealth. Hence everything you said was in fact contradictory and really the "blacks" are the victims of this segregation not the rich white folks, the poor southern black man has suffured too long.

    2. You're inane. In case you haven't noticed, I'm black, so why would I propose that all blacks are stupid. I know all blacks are not stupid because I'm extremely intelligent. And you are simply ignorant if you think that public education is the same throughout our country. I would refer to you two of Ms. Meachum's previous articles. One was on Texas education, where board members are actively changing the curriculum for Texan students to be different from the nation wide curriculum. This takes down your claim that education all over America is the same. The second article you should refer back to is Ms. Meachum's article on the effects that higher education can have on income levels. This will take down your claim that more education for blacks will not help them.
      Also calling black people, "poor black folk", is extremely racist.

    3. James, why do you keep using quotation marks, I agree with Gerard on this

  9. Definitively segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. St. Louis where Ferguson is located is the ninth most segregated metro area in the country between whites and blacks. This means that blacks in the area have their own public facilities such as parks that are entirely separate from those of whites. According to the article, this segregation in Ferguson was caused by white flight and public policy working in tandem.
    The term “redlining” is the practice of denying, or charging more for, services such as banking, insurance, and health care to racially inferior areas. Redlining was first enforced in 1916 where ordinances were created that designated some areas as “negro blocks,” where the blacks were supposed to be kept. This affected black families by making it difficult to find a house and if they were to find one it would most likely be one that is in a poor neighborhood.
    The economy of the community is being degraded and racial divisions are causing increasing class distinctions. The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation used racial makeup as a key determinant in rating the security of neighborhoods because they assumed that black neighborhoods lost value. A-rated zones had higher rates of home ownership and house value and were predominantly found in white suburban areas. While D-rated zones had lower values and were located mainly in black areas.
    Our society is still experiencing segregation today and that has caused blacks to be shut out of buying homes and large sums of money. For example the average black household has $75,040 in wealth while the average white household has $217,150. This is a major problem and my solution would be to have the government give money to businesses that start in poorer neighborhoods. This will encourage companies to move to poorer reasons those developing those areas and also giving these a source of income.

  10. The dictionary definition of segregation is the separation between certain things. Now these things, especially more in modern times, has been people; which has caused all kinds of controversy, conspiracies and havoc civilly and in this case politically. In Missouri segregation still exists, as the races have their own designated places such as parks.

    The term "redlining" is when more is charged towards a minority for services they may need such as banking, health care, and insurance. Redlining is inherently racist, there is no question about that. Redlining has made it extremely difficult for black families because finding houses now is a hassle unless they are content with living in not the best neighborhoods. After all they are people too.

    Ultimately the economics of it all had been drained. Homeowner associations rate the "black" communities low and the "white" communities high. Racist, yes, but also detrimental to the economy. Now people obviously wouldn't want to go investing in a home in an "unsafe" neighborhood became of that ill minded rating. It's creating more class separations as well. The homeowner associations aren't even looking that deeply into whether or not the area is safe but whether or not they see predominantly black or white faces; because if it's the first it's a D rating and if it's the latter, it's an A rating. That's just how it works.

    Segregation still exists obviously on so many levels. Maybe not as blatantly out there like ferguson but subliminally it does still exist. The income gap in the article says it all. I think the solution to this inanity would be to have our government (which is supposed to be the "caretaker" of the country) should pitch in and if they see a poor area in need of assistance they should help them out economically. If the government doesn't have compassion for humans it surely does have a strong greed for money which is what those areas need. Money.

  11. Segregation is the practice of separating people based off of distinct differences. When segregation is used in this article, it is referring to the separation of black and white housing. Redlining is the practice of limiting, or charging more for, services to residents in certain areas. Redlining has historically been tied to racial discrimination. This has made it difficult for black families to get out of bad neighborhoods and to find better homes. This has only instigated the wealth gap between blacks and whites. According to the article, "the average black household has $75,040 in wealth stored in its home, while the average white one has $217,150". This has led to increasing difficulties for black families to provide. In addition to economic difficulty, poorer neighborhoods are more frequented by police patrols, leading to a disparity between how blacks and whites view police. In order to fight the racial tension in communities like Ferguson, the local government should assist poorer neighborhoods in obtaining jobs and attempt to fix previous policies that led to redlining. This would help those in poorer communities increase their income as well as help them leave those communities. This could help cut down on the wealth gap between blacks and whites. The local government should also review its police department's roster and its tactics so that the police roster better represents the community it serves and so that its tactics aren't so polarizing.

  12. Segregation is the separation of humans into different racial or ethnic groups within daily life. Within this article blacks and whites are segregated into different housing communities in Ferguson, Missouri. Redlining is the practice of denying, or in certain cases charging more, for services such as banking, insurance, health care, or even supermarkets for certain people determined on where they live. Most areas that were redlined were valued to have a “D” security level, which made up 75% of black St. Louis areas. The redlining process ultimately led to black residents missing out on lower interest rates and down payments required for FHA backing. In addition to this most black families were shut out of mortgage markets, their home values decreased, and most were trapped in inner city communities by restrictive covenants. The racial segregation is affecting the economics of this community by depressing the values of the houses within the predominately black communities. The average black household has $75,040 stored in its home, while the average white one has $217,150. Overall, the gap in wealth between white households and black ones was $84,960 in 2011. My solution to this general problem is for the government to give incentives or tax breaks to companies that move within these communities and hire people to work. This would provoke a better economic status within these communities through people with higher incomes. This will ultimately lead to increased value of the houses.

    1. I'm glad you honed in on the economic plight of the area. Creating jobs is a good idea and you suggested the incentives necessary to create jobs. But if you offer tax breaks to corporations to move businesses there, who is going to fund the police, fire, and schools?

  13. Segregation is the act of separating groups, notably based upon race. It’s an idea that has been “outlawed” in the U.S ever since Brown v. The Board of Education made it unconstitutional within public schools. Then, the idea expanded in the eyes of revolutionaries – though it has come back in the most indirect of ways. Redlining, in toe with segregation, is the act of refusing someone from loan or insurance for housing because of a poor financial area marked in red.

    Segregation ultimately puts into effect redlining, and redlining in turn has affected the current situation in Ferguson, MO, where streets are rampant with angry, black citizens who feel injustice to the incongruities between their living conditions and those who enforce their laws. At the start, the most significant injustice was put as, “The racial segregation that these policies caused lives with us today. Whites fled the city for the suburbs in St. Louis, but blacks couldn’t follow, kept out by restrictions.” When the Federal Housing Administration started to rate areas, it became apparent that racial demographics would come into play. This would hurt those in urban, impoverished areas – statistically, mostly black people along with other minorities – and aid those who had the ability to live in A-level counties. In essence, the poor become poorer and the rich become richer by a government intervention that leaves many impoverished minorities trapped within certain communities.

    Redlining has to exist: it outlines areas that are good and bad, making it easier for realtors and people to find the right house, insurance, or loan. However, I believe the act should be held with greater scrutiny, where racial profiling has become the norm in this act of discrimination – an indirect violation of the equal protections clause of the 14th amendment. I’m not quite sure what else can be done.

  14. Segregation is the separation of humans into racial groups. It is a practice that has occurred in the United States since the 1860s when slavery was abolished. Though mandated segregation lasted until the 1960s, segregation can still be found throughout our modern world. In Ferguson, segregation exists within the policies of housing.

    Redlining is a form of segregation practiced by the Federal Housing Administration which is marking black neighborhoods with D's and redlines which they then would make ineligible for its backing of mortgages. This practice affected Missouri black families by shutting them out of the legitimate mortgage market, lowering their home values, and trapping those living in the inner city.

    According to the article, this racial segregation is affecting the communities by causing whites to flee to the suburbs and the populations of urban and inner suburbans areas have fallen. There is also a continuous racial wealth gap. Another consequence is that the police forces in the communities are made up of a majority of white people which may be viewed negatively by the predominately black communities.

    This problem has existed for a long time, therefore a solution would need to be executed correctly in order to remedy the situation. My solution would be to replace the FHA because they are a major contributor to the problem. Further efforts to help the issue could be to add jobs to narrow the wealth gap between races. This problem would take a significant amount of time to fix but a solution is definitely feasible.

    1. Replace the FHA??? With what??? Do you really want individual states dealing with their own policies regarding "racism?"

  15. Segregation is the action of setting things apart, often because of distinct differences. The segregation that has taken place in this article is the segregation of black homes and white homes in Missouri and across the country. These families were segregated through the process of redlining. Redlining is when different areas are marked as "black areas" or "white areas" and realtors will fill these areas with the specified groups. This occurred in Missouri and even though the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, realtors continued to fill the areas as was originally planned. Then, with the help of home owner's loan corporation, black families in Missouri were set apart from the majority of white families. Similar policies took place throughout the country and its effects are similar throughout.
    This segregation also has an economic impact of the areas. Since the home owner's loan corporation said the black areas weren't safe, it lowered the values of the homes. Today, the average black household has $75,000 in wealth stored in their house compared to over $200,000 in wealth in white households. Similar differences are present in Ferguson, Missouri although both whites and blacks hold a significantly lower median household income compared to the national average in 2011.
    There is no quick solution to fix the problems that are occurring. A good start would be to stop redlining but that is difficult to enforce when it is done unofficially by realtors and home owner's corporations. Encouraging companies to move to Ferguson to offer more jobs could help families close the income inequality but the region is still well below the national average income. Time may be the most successful way of minimizing the damage that has been done over the years. Years of better housing practices and decreased income inequality could be a step towards a solution.

  16. Segregation is the enforced separation of different racial groups. It used to be widely practiced in America under “separate but equal” thanks to Plessey V. Ferguson but was overturned after Brown V. Board I. Redlining is when a company refuses to sell services, like a loan, to residents in specific places. This is often seen with segregation. This affected black families in Missouri because “in St. Louis, “A” security ratings were common in white suburban neighborhoods but rare in urban black ones.” D zones, the lowest grade, made up over 75 percent of the predominantly black St. Louis areas. This divide exists because in 1916, St. Louis proposed a ballot measure to aid redlining, which won by a substantial majority, this created an ordinance that designated some areas as “Negro blocks.” It was struck down a year later; however, many realtors practiced segregation anyway and sold certain homes in certain areas to people of certain races. This makes it harder for black families to acquire a loan and move out of the black areas that are comprised of mostly rentals and move into the white areas, which are comprised of homes and homeowners. Also, “black residents missed out on the lower interest rates and down payments required for mortgages with FHA backing”. Racial segregation is affecting the economics of this community because it is giving one group of people an economic advantage over the other group. There is no one solution to this problem, but a solution to this would be to revise the security rating system and not restrict services to areas that meet a certain standard.

  17. Segregation is the action of setting someone or something apart from other people or things which has usually been in terms of race.
    Redlining is when a company refuses to sell their good or service to a group of people. In Ferguson, blacks could only buy houses in "Negro Blocks", which began in 1916. This really caused separation between black families and whites, which basically created racial blocks and obstacles. Racial segregation affects the economies of this community by lowering the housing value of the houses in the black zones. The rate of the values for the neighborhoods have low safety and low interest rates, which essentially makes the community lack it's down payments.
    The government should impose something upon the cities to help beautify property to increase value all around, which would essentially help small business owners in the business of landscaping, which would bring their business to these cities so that way more jobs become available and over time the people will get better pay and income. This way, you could cater to both sides of the economic spectrum in racial disputes.

    1. Beautify??? Are you suggesting the government create jobs to beautify the area? Who will pay?? These people don't have jobs and therefore don't pay taxes......

  18. Segregation involves the separation of individuals based on their racial ethnicity and in Ferguson it is the separation between whites and blacks based on housing. The definition of redlining is a practice that is discriminatory since it limits loans, mortgages, insurance, etc., within a certain community. For example, in the article it stated how Ferguson in the year 1916 allowed blacks to only buy houses in “Negro Blocks”. This was later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in the year 1923 and in turn allowed for what they called “unrestricted blocks” to form. These “unrestricted blocks” meant that individuals could sell houses to the blacks in these areas but selling houses outside these areas were considered “professional misconduct”.
    The article states how racial segregation causes many whites in urban and inner suburban areas to move into suburb areas which in turn leads to a larger wealth gap between the whites and blacks. Also, the racial segregation forced home owner’s loan corporations to lower the value of homes situated in black areas because they considered the area itself to be “dangerous”. Now, homes of black individuals have an average wealth of $75,000 while white individuals have a home of an average wealth of $200,000.
    To me, there could probably be multiple solutions to this problem as it depends on the person’s point of view. However, I think the best way to fix this would be to get rid of redlining entirely as it causes the unfair influx of power that home owner corporations have. This may be a struggle to do since there are individuals who continue redlining illegally without the home owner corporation’s knowledge. Yet, if redlining were to disappear, then this means there can be more individuals moving into Ferguson to attain jobs and fix the income inequality in the region.

  19. Segregation is the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment.Redlining as seen in the article is the practice of a company refusing to sell their good or service to a group of people because they are poor or a large minority group. This affects blacks communities because it gives them a inherent disadvantage over non-black communities. For example because of this redlining they saw a absence of low interest rates and down payments. Segregation affects the economy in the community because the FHA denied blacks the opportunity to make money which lowers blacks ability to move up in social classes. It should also be noted that in this community the average black household has $75,040 in wealth stored in its home, while the average white one has $217,150. Overall, the gap in wealth between white households and black ones was $84,960 in 2011.

    The only solution possible is one through government regulation, these racist communities pass policies that give minorities a disadvantage which is artificial meaning it's one that is made and not natural. The only why to stop these disadvantages is to do what we've done in the past pass policies to stop this. For example the voting rights act of 1965 stopped southern states from passing policies that made it hard for minorities to vote, it did this by forcing these states policies to go through the federal government to make sure these laws weren't racist. If that were I acted in all communities like these then we would see less of what is happening now. It should also be noted that it was the federal government that helped end Segregation so I think they are the best solution.

  20. Segregation is the act of setting a group of people apart from another group of people because of race or ethnicity. The segregation in this article is separating blacks and whites in different neighborhoods. Redlining is the practice of limiting, or charging more for, services to residents in certain areas. Redlining has historically been tied to racial discrimination. It comes from the idea that banks outline low income neighborhoods and classify them as "no-loan" areas. My solution to this problem is that the government should impose something upon the companies to bring their business to these cities so that way more jobs become available and over time the people will get better pay and income. If the government actively tries to incorporate direct help to those struggling in ways apparent to the public, things might turn around for racism in America.

    1. How is redlining used in this instance? You suggest government intervention: how do you think this will be welcomed in St. Louis areas???

  21. Segregation is the action of placing someone or something apart from other people that usually relates to races and ethnicities.
    Redlining is the practice of a company refusing to sell their good or service to a group of people. In Ferguson beginning in 1916, blacks could only buy houses in "Negro Blocks". This caused separation between black families and whites; Creating racial barriers. Racial segregation is also affecting the economies of this community by lowering the housing value of the houses in the black zones. The rate of the values for the neighborhoods with both low safety and low interest rates which in turn make the community lack down payments.
    My solution to this problem is that the government should impose something upon the companies to bring their business to these cities so that way more jobs become available and over time the people will get better pay and income. There has to be improvements within the community in order for progress among all other things. We have history to prove the conflicts and uproar racism can create. People are blind from learning from the past which is why it's a major conflict today.

  22. Segregation is the purposeful separation of groups of people based on certain factors. In this particular case it is the separation based on race in St. Louis. Redlining is the processes of denying to sell a house to a certain person by claiming a false risk to keep them for buying the house. This could be seen in St. Louis in In Ferguson beginning in 1916, blacks could only buy houses in "Negro Blocks" while this was later ruled against by the Supreme Court in 1923 "unrestricted blocks" were created, realtors could sell homes in theses areas to blacks but to sell homes to them outside this area was seen as a "professional misconduct". This made the "black neighborhoods" housing values sink as they were in a poor location and overcrowded because of lack of locations. Though time became what we know today as "the ghetto ." My solution to this complex problem would be to get rid of the practice of redlining as even though back then they thought it was beneficial to the economy to not have "white flight" from the city was a wrong view because overall redlining is bad for the economy as it is a form of a private business regulating citizens.

  23. Segregation is the separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment. In the ferguson case, it is the separation of blacks and whites.
    Redlining is the process in which people refuse to sell a good or service to someone or a group of people because of a false risk. In the Ferguson case, blacks were only allowed to buy houses in negro blocks because of a risk that they couldn't pay for insurance or loans. They were labeled as poor and were refused housing outside negro blocks, otherwise resulting in a professional misconduct.
    This has affected communities around us because they are not allowed to buy a house wherever they would like to. This ofcourse creates anger in a society. This affect the economy because it restricts blacks from buying houses outside of certain areas. This is makes those people not want to buy the houses they are restricted to which results in them not spending their money.
    My solution to the problem would be to get rid of the redlining process, and rule it against the law. This way people are able to spend their money and buy houses where they would like.

  24. Segregation, something that has supposedly been ruled illegal in the United States, is the act of separating groups based upon race. However, while its extinct nature has been diminished by a liberal agenda to break from past racial tensions, it has emerged as a side effect and origin of the recent Ferguson dilemma. It is also the explanation for many other communities throughout the U.S. affected by redlining, which is the act of refusing to give loans or insurance based upon the living area of a person (poor financial areas will reap poor profits for insurance companies, etc).
    It’s a domino effect: segregation affects redlining which in turn affects segregation and social controversies that deal with economics. There is a vast dichotomy between the living conditions of those who make the laws and those that abide by them, as explained: “Whites fled the city for the suburbs in St. Louis, but blacks couldn’t follow, kept out by restrictions.” When the FHA created a rating system, it affirmed that those in poor dwellings would be trapped by their financial constraints. Those in urban, impoverished areas would be prejudiced to insurance companies and other modes that derive credit from location and wealth. These people? Mostly black citizens and several other minorities. This only strengthens the divide, especially when one sees that most people in Ferguson are black, yet their own police force has seldom recruited a black police officer.
    I find little solution to this conflict with redlining, since it’s a practical idea: outlining bad places to make room for better, more profitable regions. However, this is a clear violation of the fourteenth amendment, as this redlining has breached the lines of racial profiling. I find that this cycle will never end, but it is up to us to make sure racial profiling does not stagnate the city. This could lead to, what has now become, extreme race riots.

  25. Segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. Redlining is the practice of denying, or charging more for, services such as banking, insurance, access to health care, or even supermarkets, or denying jobs to residents in particular, often racially determined, areas. This affected black families in Missouri because they are only allowed to buy houses in "Negro Blocks." This caused segregation between black and white families, creating racial blocks and obstacles. The economics of this community are affected by the racial segregation. The housing value lowered in the black zones, low safety rate, and low interest rates. My solution to this problem would be to not restrict services to races no matter what and to make all of the communities look more presentable so values can increase.

  26. Segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. Currently in ferguson, segregation is at an all time high. This is a result of the redlining that has happened almost a century ago, which still created ordinances set aside for races. The economics of these communities have taken a toll. People began to sell homes only to blacks in primarily black neighborhoods, trying to justify this by saying blacks degraded the value of these homes. A simple solution is this: to stop the racism going in this country. People don't realize the institutionalized racism going on in the legal system and we need to recognize it.

    1. I don't believe you read the article. This writing lacks substance. What is REDLINING???

  27. Based on the article, segregation refers to the act of setting a group of people apart because of their race or ethnicity. In Ferguson, racial segregation lingers as tensions between whites and blacks have heightened with the shooting of an unarmed teenager. Redlining refers to marking with red coloring neighborhoods ineligible to be offered a loan or insure a mortgage. Redlining made it aware to the Federal Housing Administration the neighborhoods that did not qualify to obtain a mortgage. Black families in Missouri were affected because they missed out on the low interest rates and down payments required for mortgages with FHA backing. Black families were also shut of the legitimate mortgage market, their home values decreased, and those who could afford to move were trapped in their communities by restrictive covenants. Whites could freely flee the city for the suburbs as no restrictions deterred them. The economics of this community have been affected by racial segregation because of the immense wealth gap that derives from shutting out blacks from buying homes, achieving a huge source of wealth, and discriminatory practices that have lowered the values of their homes. When the housing market peaked around 2006 blacks could not take part in purchasing a home because of restrictive policies. According to the article, the average black household has $75,040 in wealth stored in its home, while the average white one has $217,150. A solution I would propose to this problem is to have the government give money to businesses intended to start them off in the poorer communities and hire workers from there. Although a cut in the wealth gap may not occur rapidly, it is a start.

  28. Segregation is separation. Blacks and whites used to be segregated before civil rights laws by indicating that whites and blacks had to use different water fountains, restrooms, buses etc. Redlining is the process of charging more for or denying goods and services like banking and insurance because of you are or where you may live. Redlining has affected the community because the segregation of the past is still evident today. Blacks and whites are extremely separated in Ferguson and around the US, black communities are where they are at today because of the racism and segregation of loan companies, banks and housing administrations of the past. The economics of the community are being affected because housing values have been depressed for those blacks who could purchase homes and those who couldn't were not able to substantially stimulate the economy with their wealth. Also, there is a huge wealth gap in Ferguson, where blacks make much less than whites which causes them to not be able to stimulate the economy as much as whites. A solution to gbis problem would be to give blacks equal opportunities as whites. They should receive the same jobs and pay if they have equal experience and they shouldn't be confined to certain areas in the city, they should be free to purchase homes wherever they like as long as they are able to afford it.

  29. Segregation is the act of separating people by race, social groups, ect. Redlining is the a form of segregation, were a company decides not to sell to a group of lower income people or a specific group of people! Ferguson in 1916 housing was segregated "negro " housing was the only place black family could live. Even after the Supreme Court banned segregation, the black navorhood are pieced lower because blacks where living there and white naborhood a were picked higher. Obviously whites where making more income in that time and blacks were not making much so black could not afford to move out of the "negro" districts. My solutions is that the Government should regulate the cost of homes
