Monday, October 12, 2009
Clean Energy Investing Goes Mainstream; Soros Pledges $1 Billion
What do the investment strategies of George Soros tell us about our own investment strategies?
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Well, I think it shows a pattern we need to follow in the next few years as greentech comes to the forefront of the market. As the planet's welfare becomes increasingly as important as the welfare of the world economy, investing in greentech will most assuredly be the easiest path to money in the stock market. Of course we can't dump as large a sum of money as Soros can into greentech, but I think a key would be to look out for emerging greentech companies that have new and innovative greentech ideas that would lead them to be future leaders in greentech, as with Microsoft and computer technology in the 70s. Lol, your prophecies are manifesting themselves Ms. Meachum!
ReplyDelete-Garrett Mabel
Soros' activity suggests that greentech may be a wise investing choice in the future. Global concern has shifted to the environment ever since the media began publicizing information about global warming. As we speak, money is being invested in green technologies all over the world. The future of our planet is certainly something which concerns all governments, all countries, and all people. Inverstors constantly look towards stocks that will be in massive demand in the future. With the wide-spread implications and morality tied to greentech, it stands to be one of the leaders of the future, and is well worth the investment (though I, for one, would not invest $1 million in it, even if I had that much, as I am much more cautious about my money than the rich Soros seems to be).
ReplyDelete-Erika Alfieri
Well consider the fact the Soros is a billionaire and by virtue of this he is a philanthropist so he has no problem throwing money into a good cause as long as it makes an effective, positive impact on the industry. And you say there is "widespread...morality" linked to greentech investing, but tell me: how much would you be willing to invest in greentech if you were a philanthropist? Let's pretend that you are also a billionaire, like Soros. I mean for one person in the world to be linked to multi-billions of dollars and use it "cautiously," I would think as long as you do your research into what you're investing in (making sure it's not fraud), why wouldn't you pour a HUGE sum of money into greentech. It's an effective use of your money! You help support future technology that will possibly help save the planet, and you'd probably make even more money than you could imagine. Why not be the next Warren Buffet?!
ReplyDelete-Garrett Mabel
Greentech is a great thing to invest in. Trying to help protect and slowly save the environment by energy effecient cars etc., will stop some of the pollution. If Soros wishes to invest $1 billion of his own money to help this cause, we should all be proud and thankful, but we are not all billionaires like him. If I had the same amount of money as him I would invest the same if not more to help protect where I live. If everyone just contributes a little it would make a big difference. By Soros investing this much money, it make a large statement to the world that he cares about where he lives, or that he has to much money and he does not know what to do with it.
ReplyDeleteExactly, "If rich people can do it, so can you."
ReplyDelete-Garrett Mabel
Soros' greentech investments don't have anything to do with helping the environment. Do you honestly think most top-dollar investors are concerned about the environment? The bottom line is that greentech is the most recent hot commodity to sweep investment talks and futures all over the country. He's pumping his money into it because he thinks he'll make a profit, not because he's concerned about environmentally sound technology. The fact of the matter is that because some people are starting to are about these technologies and coalitions or causes are gaining steam, greentech is a good investment. Soros is simply cashing in on the bounty this craze is sure to bring in the coming years.
ReplyDelete-Moshe Paul
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ReplyDeleteI would like to think that Soros' is really concerned about the environment, and that is why he is investing so much money in "green" companies. Although, I do like Moshe's point about Soros' probably just being in it for the money, he knows that more and more people are becoming more aware of the environmental situation and taking precautionary steps to save it. Although most everyday people may not be investing billions of dollars, they are becoming more interested in green products such as Hybrids, Solar/Wind power, and simple thinks like green cleaning solution.
ReplyDeleteSoro's knows that there is money to be made because of the big push to go green.
Clearly, green products are hot products to invest in right now. Society has suddenly shifted its attention to helping out the environment and undoing the damage that has been done, thus far, to the earth. Soros' motives for investing $1 billion are obviously the fiscal gains that doing so will produce for him. As a philanthropist, he obviously wants to do good for the environment and for society. I'm sure the fact that his investment provides aid to the environment just gives him another reason to do it. But Moshe, you are probably right that that is not his main motive. His investment strategies show us that we are willing to help society as a whole so long as we, as individuals, are benefitted by it. We can be greedy.
ReplyDeleteI think that we do need to invest in green products more, though. They will, without a doubt, help the environment. They provide alternatives that can save the environment and people hurting during the recession in so many ways.
Whether or not Soros is concerned about the environment is irrelivant. Either way it signals that investments sugh as greentech are the way to go. Many people, I imagine, will follow Soros' investment, inevitably bringing about more environmental awareness. However earth friendly or not one may be, green technology is the new microsoft.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soro holds a strong argument about the need to invest in green construction and take a bigger part of the enviroment into thought when investing. The public is just now becoming aware and acting upon the fact that the world we live on is slowly "decaying". Taking care of it should become a top priority.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, Soros SAYS, "I will look for profitable opportunities, but I will also insist that the investments make a real contribution to solving the problem of climate change."
ReplyDeleteSo yeah, he's definitely investing in clean energy to make a profit. He's just also making himself not look like a total jerk by adding in the tidbit about him wanting to make an impact & help our environment.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally cutting him down as a money-greedy guy, I just think his priorities have money as number one, and a clean environment for his heirs and other future generations is lower on the list.
As far as Soros investment strategies go, it's obvious that greentech is the way to invest. When I read the article, the first thing that came to mind was, 'see if that's a stock and BUY IT.'
An inevitable decision will come to pass one day, and it will be either clean the planet up or let the world population rot and die in a toxic wasteland. Not too many people vote for the latter unless it's to happen long after they die, and they're just nonchalant. Our own investment strategies should mimic those of the rich. That billion dollars has to go somewhere, it may as well do some good and clean the environment while making us money, just like Soros hopes.