Monday, January 11, 2010

The Happiest People

What should the priorities be for any country?


  1. First of all, I'd like to state my opinion that all these agencies assigned with tasks of measuring and obtaining statistics of such objective and quite unmeasurable conditions (e.g. The Council for a Better Life, The World Database of Happiness) angers me in that they are trying to obatin concrete answers from various people in order to generalize an objective constraint to an entire population!!! It's ridiculous, and I think the only purpous it serves is to give the population a rough idea of the quality of their lifestyles.

    But as for the question, I believe the two priorities that stand as hallmark priorities for any nation seeking success (of which both, I believe, are undoubtedly intertwined) are trade prosperity and economic prosperity. Though I as a lone individual am unable to define the many specific terms under which these two priorities are to be attained, I can cite the trade prosperity (with other nations and withing the nation) unediabley leads to economic prosperity and stability. It is the qualities and over arching effects of economic prosperity that pave a solid roadway to the happiness of a nation's people.

  2. There are a few priorities that a country should have. One is their economy. They should worry about how they are going to pay for items, and how much money they have to enhance their country. Another is where they get their products. Countries should not get all of their products from one place or try to make them all. It may be cheaper to trade. They could make products and sell them for a greater profit then if they were using them. Another would be security for their country.

  3. The ways in which happiness has been measured, as stated in the article, could be a little "iffy". Many individuals in other countries could be less educated than we are here in the United States about their economic situation depending on the media coverage, etc. Like the article said, family and culture is usually the center of Latinos' lives. So, this measurement of happiness may not necessarily be 100% accurate, especially when you're dealing with something so subjective.

    Anyway, I agree with the article. Education should most definitely be a country's priority. The well being of it's economy is also very important. Of course foreign relations are important as well, but artillery is not something that should soak up a country's costs. Better education results in more knowledge and a brighter future. Not all countries realize this, and so it is important to be prepared for any cruel acts or injustice. Defense is necessary, but that is all. The majority of expenses should be put into the hopes of a stable economy and education.

  4. A country's priorities should be based on what a country wants to be. When talking about the US or China, I'd say being a superpower is more important than other things, while poorer regions are just trying to stay alive between disease and lack of resources.

    A country, however, should focus on education. It is the foundation of any prosperous country, because it's the educated that have ideas, start businesses, and make the money. After people are educated, the next priority should be trade, so the country can prosper and afford to put money into education. I think security is important as well, especially in a place like the US, but to have our education suffer as much as it is now isn't crossing the line, it's just disregarding the line completely.

  5. I personally think that the priorities to all countries should be education, health, and the economy. Educating the population can only have positive effects on any country. The health and well-being of the nation is important because diseases and the lack of necessities such as food and water, will cause people to suffer and be "unhappy". Last but not least, after a country is educated and healthy, the nation should focus on their economy.

  6. What a load of garbage, measuring happiness.

    Anyway... the focus for me is education. I can't STAND stupidity. I'm always shocked to find that places in America still have prejudices far beyond our years. I think it's a bit silly to assume that we can just drop our armed forces and suddenly we'll all lead a happier life. Yes, I'll just be oh-so happy when China bombs our army-less nation and we become communist. Not. Maybe if we spent less on a senseless war that can never be won because it has no clear objectives, we'd have a bit more money to put into education, don't you think?

  7. the priorities for any country should be to let its people have a safe land, and the freedom to live their lives within the law. a country should do everything in its power to serve the will of the people. therefore, the priorities for a country should be the priorities of its citizens.
