Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama to Party: Don't Run for the Hills

If you were President, what would be your top 3 issues and why? Support your answer.


  1. 1) Jobs - I was down in Downtown Miami today near Miami Beach and I couldn't believe all of the homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks - I understand that we cant get everyone off the streets, but we've got to do something. My neighbor lost her job, is losing her house, and all that - it is kind of hard to feel bad for her because she did get herself into it, but she is actively looking for a job, but there is nothing out there.

    2- Government spending - I am not very educated about all of this stuff, but it seems like there is money flying everywhere - somehow we've got to get our debt under control

    3 - Environmental issues - We need to educate and figure out a way to get everyone "green" - no more plastic bags in stores, green cars and green energy.

  2. I would focus on education (as we continue to slip in world graduation ranks), reversing our unemployment (as our unemployment rate had reached 10%), and lowering crime rates, which often coincide with unemployment.

  3. Education, unemployment, and terrorism. Like Erika said, the U.S. is slipping in ranking, and we need to educate the generation who will be in charge of our future. The unemployment rate is rising very quickly, and providing more jobs will be necessary. Terrorism has been a big issue for the United States, especially since September 11th. This is also an issue that needs to be taken care of.

  4. Education, Jobs, Environment. It really is time to make a change in the way that our government funds school educations and programs. We are the so called future, then why not put more funding into edcuation so that we can get the best education, so that we can get the higher paying jobs and will bring in more revenue for our economy. And I believe that it is time to invest in more Green operated things, make our environment cleaner so that we can preserve this plant for as long as possible.

  5. If I were president, one of my top priorities would be health care. There are several people struggling with health care especially now that the unemployment is severely high, and health is important in all ages. For children and adults, health care is necessary to be able to afford regular visits to the doctor. Another issue that I would tackle is immigration. Immigration is a struggle for the United States, and it seems like the struggle never ends. If it is easier for a native-born American to go live abroad, then why is the struggle so harsh for the immigrants? To become an official American is much harder for an immigrant than it used to be. Besides, with immigration not being such an issue will be an opportunity for countries to recognize that the Unites States is willing to be diverse and accept other people. The third issue would definitely be the education issue. Often, schools focus more on standardized tests than the actual curriculum and subject.

  6. 1- Safety. The top priority must be the safety our of nation's citizens. We can not let evil once again plague this country. We must continue to bring the fight to them, wherever they might be. Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, it does not matter. We must use our force to stabilize that region and to make our country safe.

    2- The American Family. In today's society the family has fallen apart. We were founded on Judeo-Christian values and we must re-capture those in our everyday life. Children need a Mother and Father. Not a single Mother, or two Dads. We have let our guard down as a society. Babies are being legally murdered every day, they very nature of America is being threatened. As a nation and as a God loving people, we must rise about the evil attack on our cultural values, and return to principles that made us prosperous.

    3- Its the economy, stupid. We must stop this outrageous spending, we must bring a halt to Government take overs of the private industry, and we have to take government out of our free market. We are in this mess because the government reached it hands into the free market, and the way to get out is to do just that, GET OUT. The longer the Government keeps its hands in the free market the long the economy will be suffering.

  7. Although mentioned before, I will also say education must be adressed, along with the arts. Although Florida is not the at the bottom when it comes to performance, it is certainly al the way down when it comes to funding, and this ultra-tight budget on education is especially felt when involved in activities like Band, a program which takes well over $15,000 to run yearly due to competitions and the like, yet we struggle.
    Green Technology should be advanced. more solar panels, super fuel efficient cars, mechanical cows.. the planet is bad enough as it is, we must care for what is left.
    "Unless President Obama gets himself away from corporate America, big media and Republocrat insider game, and brings the power back to the working class people -- moderate left and moderate right -- that elected him, he cannot turn it around. I still have my confidence in him, and I hope he makes America democracy again." Couldn't have said it better myself.

  8. My top three issues would be Education, our environment and Government Spending.
    1) Education- Being in a state that is 50th out of 50 states in funding of education, and education rankings lowering as a country, I would want to change this. I would create incentives for people to go to school. I would also take more money from the government and help fund schools instead of bail out banks. I would also help the fine arts departments. I know that most sports have people, who fund them, but the fine arts have nothing; they have to raise money to buy what they want.
    2) The Environment- I would find people to help clean the earth. I believe that all of the people, who have lost jobs, could be helping clean the earth, maybe not designing new technology but working at water purifying plants. I would then have some money put aside just for research and design for green technology.
    3) Government Spending- As I said above I would put money into education and green technology. I would also make sure that the government does not bail out anymore banks that lent out loans that they should not have.

  9. Fellow classmates: Safety should always be #1, no one is going to care if they have a job or not, or if the earth is "warming up", or if the state of Florida ranks 50th in education if their loved one just died in another terrorist attack.

  10. 1.) Efficient security and public safety: Somehow devise a way to cost effecyively defend the country, for, as we can see now, the war in the middle-east is costing us WAY too much. I certainly agree with Stevie that security is top priority, but I also believe in that idealism that the three top priorities should all be taken into consideration and (if possible) not be prioritized over one another). I also think this should include some form of national health crae, but that's kind of just a romantic idea I'm throwing out there.

    2.) Quality education of the public masses: This will create better informed citizens, better informed on economic, and governmental, and matters of all topics. If we pursue a more intellectual and educated atmosphere throughout all of America, we can once again become the world's best country. It will also help our economy by having more people with skilled jobs, and so on and so forth.

    3.) Irresponsible economic expenditures: I think this covers EVERYTHING; from overspeding on the war, to irresponsible corporate spending, all the way down to the void-like debt our government has created by printing too much money and spending far beyond the means of its country.

  11. Alright, safety; so let's pull our troops out of foreign countries and station them to protect the American homeland. That way, when the terrorists invade, we can take them down!
    Not to mention that people are suffering because they don't have jobs because of their poor education! How can we work on "The American Family" if families are falling apart because they can't support themselves because of layoffs and high unemployment?

    No no. Education is definitely number one. People aren't anything without an education; you can't make an informed decision, get a good job, or be an active contributing citizen in a community without an education to back you up. This education situation needs to be the first thing to be fixed; more people need to be educated, and the education quality needs to be better. As in, hire teachers that are actually qualified for the job; what a novel concept.

    Second would have to be money management. I don't see how we are continuing to see bank CEOs get million dollar bonuses after being bailed out. Someone needs to balance the budget and not throw money away to the greedy pigs who put the economy in this sad state. That money could be used towards paying off the twelve trillion dollar national debt, or at least just put towards government spending on projects that will help people get jobs or get educated. There's money somewhere in the system; someone needs to just find it and put it to good use.

    Third, I think that the environment and jobs can be taken care of [partially] together. Since Obama plans of spending $30b or so to help with the current job situation, he may as well spend it on opening up greener facilities that produce clean power, and maybe invest in scientific studies to discover new ways to save energy and go green.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 1.Education. Our country cannot operate if the people are not educated
    How do you expect people to vote and make sound decisions if they are
    not educated? You can't contribute as a functioning member of society
    without an education. The quality of education provided needs to be
    2. Governemnt spending/management of money. I would have to agree
    with Christina wholeheartedly on this topic. Balancing the budget and
    not simply throwing away money, and teaching businesses that failing
    is an acceptable option.
    3. Jobs. More speceifically green jobs. We can create new jobs by
    imploring greenerfacilities. This essentialy kills two birds with one
    stone. A cleaner environment as well as a larger emplyoed workforce.

  14. How can people be educated if they do not feel safe going to school? Or if they do not feel safe taking the subway into the city? Or flying to an outta state educational institution? A country can not function unless its citizens feel safe.
