Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is It OK to Cheat on Your Taxes? (2/22)

Well, is it??


  1. It is not okay to cheat on taxes. If you're cheating on your taxes, you shouldn't be allowed to have the security of fire and police protection, or any other public service. If you aren't paying for it, you simply shouldn't be awarded the privilege of having it. Sounds capitalistic enough to me...

  2. I don't think it's okay to cheat on taxes because personally, I don't condone cheating in anything. Yet, by cheating takes, you are essentially cheating the government and as much as people like to criticize, we are provided with services and regulations etc. that everybody uses. If taxes are the way to support this, then I say pay them in full.

  3. Frankly, it wouldn't be called cheating if it wasn't at least frowned upon, let alone illegal. However, in this dog eat dog economy, people do whatever they can to get ahead because the American Dream is all about competing for the scarce resources at our disposal. If a person is smart enough to get away with scamming the IRS out of tax revenue, they have proven themselves as superior intellects and deserve to keep their money.

  4. Cheating on your taxes is your own business. Personally, I don't think it's right. If you cheat, sure, you save yourself some pocket money. But looking at the cost-benefit analysis, that money could have been government revenue that could have supplied people with scholarship money or been put towards public education that is in desperate need of more funding. But, you cheated on your taxes, and now those stupid people are robbers & thieves.
    I think people need to pay their taxes and support the country before it completely falls apart. Cheating isn't for the greater good.

  5. I believe it is wrong to cheat out of paying taxes. It is a decision people make, even though it is illegal to not pay them. I think if someone does not pay taxes they should not have the privileges that everyone else have. They should not have the security or the education. If everyone paid taxes there would be more money for education and security.

  6. Of course not. Like me, I think many American's don't realize that the tax money goes back into the system to pay for schools, and other services. The way I see it is that it is just something that we HAVE to pay and it goes straight to the government to never be seen again. We have to pay taxes because it only helps us in the long-run.

  7. Maybe you should ask our Secretary of the Treasury this question.. Oh wait, he did cheat on his taxes. Damn, another one bites the dust for the Democrats.

  8. I've seen people interviewed in the online film Zeitgeist who are confounded by the purposes of today's taxes, for they do not see the justice in its appointment and implementation; and it is in this that I think that they are right. Note that these people have also found ways to work the system in ways that they have avoided paying their taxes in some cases for over ten years.

    As a broad concept; yes, I do think not paying your taxes is wrong. The money you pay in taxes goes, or should go, towards the improvement of your society's environment as a whole, but it is of these times that we cannot be sure that our tax dollars are being spent in this way, in other words, the way they were meant to be spent. Instead, they seem to be going towards the bonuses of Corporate CEOs and god knows where else. I don't blame certain people for not paying their taxes, and i most certainly see their logical reasoning in doing so.

  9. It is definitely not okay to cheat on your taxes. That money goes to schools and other services. Why is it okay to take advantage of all the services society offers if you don't pay your fair share? That's not fair at all. It's illegal, so it most definitely is not okay.

  10. It's definitely not okay to cheat on your taxes. Aside from the fact that it is illegal, it's also taking away from the money that goes towards education and security.

  11. Ha. Moshe and Steve give the blog such flair. I, as stated many times before, look down on cheating on one's taxes. Why was the Eisenhower Era so prosperous? 90% tax rates? and probably not many people cheated on them. As long as taxes are going to the right places, they should continued to be payed. Otherwise, revolt.

  12. Unfortunately Daniella, a 90% tax rate increases the amount of scamming as well as actually decreasing the tax revenue. With taxes so steep, the incentives to invest and save were virtually nonexistent. It's not as simple as "higher rate, more money." And in response to Christina, while I would agree that citizens of a Republic should care about the greater good, it is naive and foolish to think that people care about anyone but themselves. You can't honestly say you'd put the IRS before the welfare of your own family; I know I wouldn't, and I'm sure none of us would.

  13. Cheating on education hurts everyone in the end because it takes away from our security system and our education. Not only that but it also illegal to do so, so it’s not wonder that cheating on your taxes is frowned upon.
