Thursday, January 12, 2012

Feeling Gloomy?

Due 27 Jan 2012. So what does the article discuss about Europe's future?? How does that affect the US???


  1. The article is discussing how a lot of countries are going into both inflation and unemployment, even the usual rich European countries. The graph shows how countries some countries like the oil-rich countries like Iran and Venezuela have pretty low unemployment, but inflation is so high. This can affect America by foreigners coming to the United States to look for jobs to make money, causing more unemployment for people in America.

  2. The article is discussing the high rate of unemployment and inflation found throughout the world. Unemployment is majorly found in Europe in countries such as Spain, which has over 20% unemployment. The economic status of Europe in 2011 is pretty negative. Some of the wealthier European countries are among the most affected. This affects the US because Europe is one of our major trade partners. Also, the US, like Europe is facing record highs in unemployment. There might be more outsourcing of jobs to overseas Europeans, which would not be helpful to our economy. We need to give jobs to Americans, not send them overseas.

  3. The article talks about the unemployment and inflation in countries around the world. The graph shows the rates for the two indicators of economic gloom, inflation and unemployment. Venezuela and Iran face major trouble in inflation because their oil production. United States ranks #50 out of 92 countries, which in my opinion is awful. The economic downfall in Europe or other countries will affect our economy. We need to create more jobs for our people.

  4. First, I would like to say I am obsessed with StumbleUpon and soooo happy this article came from it!

    This article talks about how the most successful countries are basically screwed. LOL JK. But it does talk about how bad inflation and unemployment rates were in 2011. There are multiple factors contributing to the reasons the numbers are so high. Europe has had some economic troubles in 2011 harming the wealthy countries such as Germany but also Greece. Europe seems to be doing crappy. Since so many countries were going to start using the same currency it destroyed some economies along the way. The Middle Eastern country, Iran, has a high inflation rate due to their oil. All in all, the United States needs to get a move on creating jobs. Foreigners will be wanting our jobs, so once we get a steady hold on jobs our economy can hopefully prosper once again.

  5. The article spoke about the two indicators of economic gloom, inflation and unemployment, and gave a graph of these indicators for European countries. In Europe, these rates were reletively high in 2011. For America this means that European goods will get cheaper comparatively to import, but exporting goods to the Europeans countries with high inflation will be more difficult because to them it will be expensive.

  6. This article mainly discusses the inflation and unemployment present in European countries. This is leading to a depreciating economy. For his past year of 2011 the rates were quite high. The use of the Euro has caused countries such as Greece to be in an economic downfall. For the United States, this means that we are going to be experiencing more economic downfall. The US needs to work on boosting the economy by creating more jobs and European needs to do so also.

    1. This article discusses Europe's troubled economy and the what is causing it.The high unemployment rate and inflation are the two major indicators of the down economy. Because of the out of control prices and the extreme height of the unemployment rate, European countries are in the category of the most miserable countries on the misery index.

  7. This article discusses the state of Europe's economy. The continent is facing inflation and rising unemployment rates that are cripling the progress of Europe. This trouble comes mainly from their currency situation. I think that this is going to mean trouble for the US because we depend on Europe for a lot of our trades.

  8. The article is talking about the high unemployment rate as well as the high inflation rate in Europe. This could afftect the U.S. by causing an increase in immigrating to the U.S. as well as in increase of outsourcing to those countries suffering.

  9. The article discusses the dark future ahead for Europe as they continue to struggle with high unemployment and inflation rates. The downward spiraling economy has captured all their attention. European countries like Macedonia and South American countries like Venezuela are ranked 1 and 2, respectively, among the 92 countries in unemployment and inflation rates in 2011. This disease is clearly affecting the entire world and so slumps the US as well. With the connections we have with these countries, our economy might fall even more.
