Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Japan Struggles with Tainted Reactor Water

Due 9 March 2012. I know we are all sympathetic to the people in Japan, but how does this affect us?? Another news report indicated that debris from the disaster will soon start washing up on Hawaiian shores. Has the nuclear fallout reached us yet?? Tell me what you think....


  1. No offense, but if what if Japan is doing to help their country is harming other countries along the way, I consider it to be a fail of the government and of the people. The 8 tons of radioactive water leaked is a serious matter and needs to be confronted. If their contaminated water is washing up onto the Pacific coast, it will not only harm the country's people but also our economy. In the movie on the page, the woman spoke about how much she had to wear when she went into Fukushima Daiich. A full body suit, three pairs of gloves, shoe covers, a full mask, etc. Obviously, this leak is to be taken very seriously. Our country will be in harm. I say we negotiate with Japan to fix the problem. They did leak their contaminated water and it should be their responsibility to clean it up, in japan, and the surrounding areas it will effect. It is not fair for the US to have to deal with another country's mess. Japan should also realize that people will need to move away from the water which will in fact hurt each state's economy. Japan needs to step up and make an effort to fix the problem they created.

  2. Japan is doing damage to the US through the waters and trade. There was about 28 leaks causing about 8 million gallons of contaminated water to spread. Since the water is spreading, if the debris in the water starts showing up on the shore of the Hawaii beaches, it will cause Hawaii to lose tourism causing our economy to decrease in quality. Water is crucial to everyone and can do damage to everyone around Japan. It affects trade with Japan as well since the amount of products that we import from Japan can as well be contaminated. I think if the pollution were to reach the Pacific coast or the Hawaiian islands, than Japan should be responsible to clean it up, like Rebecca said. Since they did make the mess, they should be the one paying to clean it up so it doesn't affect our economy.

  3. Short after the tragedy happened, there was news saying that the pollution might reach Hawaii and later California. So actually I am not surprised while reading the article. Certainly the Fukushima nuclear power plant has raised awareness and it will definitely encourage the research on safe and efficient alternative resource. I agree with Rebecca and Victoria, although it is a tragedy and I really feel bad for both the country and the people, it is their responsibility to clean it up. They should pay us the cost to clean it up and also send their experts to help us through the process.

  4. These natural disasters will definitely have negative effects on the United States. There is lots of waste that is being released into the ocean. I think that our citizens' water could become very contaminated with these harmful substances, causing us to have to find other ways of obtaining clean water such as filtering. The nuclear fallout will soon reach us as Hawaii is part of our country. It is absolutely terrible that the people of Japan have to live with this contaminated water and constant pollution. I agree with everyone above. Japan needs to figure out a solution to this catastrophe before it hurts other countries such as the US.

  5. There is no question that the nuclear radiation from Japan will reach the U.S. the only question is when will it happen. Once that happens were in BIG trouble. I agree with Rebecca, Japan needs to fix their mess before we become victems as well. I know Japan didnt ask for the earthquake and the nuclear damage that resulted, but that doesnt excuse them from taking responsibility for it and preventing us from the same fate.

  6. Although it is about a year after the tsunami and earthquake caused nuclear meltdowns in Japan it could now affect the US. Japan needs to take complete responsibility for this due to having nuclear plants in an area that was not fortified enough to prevent destruction from the natural disasters. I think this should serve as a warning for the countries in regards to nuclear power. It should be clear now that the actions of one country can definitely affect another. Japan needs to find a way to compensate for the problems. The US does not and should not have to spend their time and money to deal with problems that did not stem from the US

  7. The blame game is no fun, and in the end it's pointless as well. This incident was not caused by negligence, it was a natural disaster. Both the US and Japan should work cooperatively towards making the relief effort as smooth as possible.

    HOWEVER, there's a huge issue we're all missing here: How this is going to affect economic markets.

    The cost of the cleanup is not so important compared to the damage that's being done to the ecosystem, which in turn is causing economic markets (such as fishing, which, in case you haven't heard, is pretty big in Japan) to suffer.

    The cost of the cleanup is trivial when you consider how devastating radiation is to the marine ecosystem, and how that affects the market for fish. Price for fish will go up, meaning we end up paying more for fish we import from Japan, and our own domestic fisheries will also charge higher prices.

  8. It seems that all of these natural disasters that have been happening in Japan have started to affect the US. The pollution that the disasters are causing can affect Hawaii and California which in turn will affect tourism and our economy. Even though, Japan didn't ask for this, they need to come up with a plan in order to try and fix this and try to prevent it from spreading. Eventually, it can extremely contaminate our oceans and it should be their job to clean up the mess.

  9. The only people Japan have to blame for their tragic disaster is themselves. They're the ones who are going to have to fix it. It's been about a year since the tsunami earthquakes, and since little progress has been made, so I think it's time they've stepped it up. If they don't, the contamination can spread to us, and we have more than enough economic problems going on right now without it.

  10. Although Japan has endured many natural disasters, it doesn't mean they can cause some. Not only will the contaminated water spread to the US but to the rest of the world. This will become a detrimental cause to health problems all because of risk Japan took. This should be a clear indication of the risks involved with nuclear power. Not only is out environment affected but our pockets as well. If Japan expects us to clean up their mess, they are clearly in a daze. We are suffering enough trying to solve our own problems while Japan is creating more.
